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Two Cis-Men Answer the Question 'What Is A Woman?' — A Discussion with Matt Walsh

The Charlie Kirk Show

Charlie Kirk

News, Politics, News Commentary, Society & Culture

4.542.4K Ratings

🗓️ 4 June 2022

⏱️ 63 minutes

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In a packed room full of young, conservative women attending the TPUSA Young Women's Leadership Summit in Dallas, TX, two men sit down for their first ever public conversation to answer the question that is confounding the Cultural Marxist Class on the Left: "What Is A Woman?" To help get to the bottom of it, Charlie is joined on stage by The Daily Wire's own Matt Walsh—host of 'The Matt Walsh Show' and the man behind the number one documentary in America, "What Is A Woman?" It's a question you're not allowed to ask and, as evidenced by the clips from the film shared throughout this episode, the left cannot seem to answer.

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Hey everybody today in the Charlie Kirk show an exclusive conversation I had at our young women's leadership summit with no advertisers brought to you by turning point USA at our young women's leadership summit


Matt Walsh many of you love them and follow them and these terrific we have a conversation we ask the question what is a woman


It's a phenomenal conversation you are going to love it support the Charlie Kirk show Charlie Kirk dot com slash support again there are no advertisers in this episode


So just send it to your friends and encourage them to subscribe to the Charlie Kirk show by pressing the plus sign in the upper right hand corner


You can get involved with turning point USA today by starting a high school or college chapter at tpusa.com that is tpusa.com


And also email me your thoughts as always freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com buckle up everybody here we go Charlie what you've done is incredible here


Charlie Kirk is on the college campus I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk Charlie Kirk is running the White House folks


I want to thank Charlie's an incredible guy his spirit his love of this country's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created turning point USA


We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries destroyed lives and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country


That's why we are here


Wrathed to you by Andrew and Todd up Sierra Pacific mortgage for personalized loan services you can count on go to Andrew and Todd dot com the wonderful Andrew and Todd dot com


So Matt I figured there's no better kind of venue to ask what is a woman


Yeah I think I've been to the women's march they didn't know there but I think this is probably a different crowd from the women's march so


And no better two people to talk about what is a woman than two men at a women's conference




Exactly well someone has to talk about it that's the thing that's the conversation someone has to have


So I mean let's just start at the basics tell us about your film and did you actually get an answer to your question


That's a spoiler I can't give spoilers away right here on the on the stage but we did give it we did get an answer


I guess I can't say what the answer is but we did finally after after journeying across the entire world


I finally I guess I will give it away I finally thought to just go into the into the kitchen and ask my wife and then she was able to


She was able to provide the answer so I went to Africa before I thought to talk to my wife about it


But yeah it's been it's been an incredible reception to the film so far and this was look what I keep telling the left is that


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