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UFO Nuclear Missile Shootdown (Big Sur UFO Incident)

Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World

Jimmy Akin

Science, Society & Culture, Documentary, Christianity, Religion & Spirituality

4.82.5K Ratings

🗓️ 17 November 2023

⏱️ 83 minutes

🧾️ Download transcript


In 1964, the US Air Force was conducting tests of nuclear weapons off the coast of Big Sur, California. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the claim that a UFO shot down one of those missiles designed to carry nuclear devices, whether aliens were responsible, and whether it was meant as a warning to humanity.

The post UFO Nuclear Missile Shootdown (Big Sur UFO Incident) appeared first on StarQuest Media.

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Jimmy Aiken's Mysterious World is brought to you by the Star Quest Production Network and is made possible by our many generous patrons.


If you'd like to support the podcast, please visit sQP.com slash Give. You're listening to episode 285 of Jimmy Aiken's mysterious world when we look at


mysteries from the twin perspectives of faith and reason. In this episode we're talking about the in


perspectives of faith and reason. In this episode, we're talking about the big sir


UFO incident. I'm Dom Bettenelli and joining me today is Jimmy Aiken.


Hey Jimmy, Adam.


In recent years, there have been many reports of UFOs interfering with military operations,


prompting the U.S. Congress to mandate new Defense Department studies of UFOs.


But UFO interference with the military is nothing new, and for decades there have been reports


of UFOs taking an interest in our nuclear weapons in particular. In 1964, off the coast of Big Sur


California, a UFO reportedly shot down a missile designed to carry nuclear bombs. What happened in the big sir


UFO incident? Were aliens responsible for it and was the shoot down meant as a


warning to humanity.


That's what we'll be talking about on this episode of Jimmy Yakin's mysterious world.


Jimmy, first let's clear something up. The artwork for today's episode says


UFO Nuke Shootdown.


But we need to be clear about what that means.


There wasn't an actual nuclear weapon involved, was there?


No, the story involves a UFO interfering with a test that was being done on a nuclear weapon system,


but the missile in question wasn't carrying a live nuke.


Since it was just a test of the system it was carrying a dummy warhead but the story


does involve a uFO interfering with a test of part of America's nuclear arsenal


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