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Weaponization of Water Rights Is Squeezing Farmers Off Their Land | Facts Matter

Facts Matter

Roman Balmakov

News, Romanepochtimes, News Commentary, Factsmatter, Romanbalmakov, Roman, Epochtimes, Factsmatterroman, Theepochtimesroman

4.91.2K Ratings

🗓️ 26 May 2024

⏱️ 26 minutes

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In recent years, local governments have begun to use water rights in the name of saving the environment as well as “endangered species.”

However, the local farmers and ranchers who depend on the water are getting squeezed out, with their operations heavily impacted and the value of their properties significantly decreased.

While on the West Coast, we sat down with Lane Roelle, a farmer/rancher from Oregon who told us his story.

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So Lane, thank you so much for joining us. Can you please introduce yourself and where your farm is located?


My name is Lane Raleigh and we're right over the California border in Oregon. We're about over 12 miles, 15 miles from the


California border on the south side of the town of Climber Falls, Oregon.


And how many acres do you have and what do you grow? So we have we own 80 acres and we rent about


200 and some acres so we about 300 acres is what we branch and farm.


We grow our hay, well we've been growing hay for our cows


that we don't sell any hay, we feed it all to our cows,


but... sell any hay we feed it all to our cows but with our water issues we're not


growing there as much hay as we have before in the past. So can you sort of


set that stage for the audience members who don't know anything about what's happening with the water situation in Oregon and California.


Can you explain to them what the water issues are?


So in, we bought our place in 2001. We actually signed the papers on it the day


before the Bureau of Reclamation announced that we were not going to get any water,


which was, I don't know if that should have told us something, but.


So we had water for the most part for until last year was the first year in a hundred and I think


around 120 years that our main A-Canal ditch had never had water, didn't have water in it at all.


So last year we, we got some tailwater from some of the neighbors that had well water,


so we got to irrigate some of our pastures a little bit but we've so we had to drastically


cut back on our cow numbers we've been selling them the last two years because we just


don't have the pasture and you can't afford to buy hay and feed cows year round to make any kind of profit at all on them.


So last year we cut about 30 tons. This year we got a little bit more water, so we've cut about 50 tons which in Konech, in Klamath County we feed about 2.5 tons


between 2.5 and 3 tons per cow per year.


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