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What is the PAO and when is the right time to floss? episode 231

The Beauty Brains

Discover the beauty and cosmetic products you should use and avoid

Science, Arts, Fashion & Beauty, Cosmetics, Natural Sciences, Cosmetic Science, Beauty Products

4.61K Ratings

🗓️ 19 August 2020

⏱️ 38 minutes

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On today’s show we answer questions about…

  1. What is the PAO and why can’t I find it on makeup?
  2. Will natural collagen drinks or tablets improve the appearance of acne scars?
  3. Are anti-frizz serums detrimental to hair?
  4. What ingredients should you avoid to prevent milia?

And we’ll have some chit chat about beauty science news...

Personal grooming slips in the UK

When is the right time to floss your teeth? Before or after brushing?

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Hi, I'm Perry, and you're listening to the beauty brains a show where real cosmetic


chemists answer your beauty product questions and give you an insiders


look at the cosmetic industry. This is episode 231. I'm your host Perry


Romanowski and with me today is Valerie George. She's burning up there in


California. Hey Valerie.


Hey Perry.


What do they have a heat wave out there or something?


Oh, it is so hot here.


So hot.


So if I lose power, I'm very sorry.


That's the grid shutting down.


Oh, well, hopefully you don't lose power before we get to answer the questions we're covering on today's


show, which will be, what is the PAO and why can't I find it on makeup? Will natural


collagen drinks or tablets improve the appearance of acne scars? Are


anti-frizz serum's detrimental to hair and what ingredients should you avoid to prevent




Interesting questions all around and of course we're going to have some of our famous chit chat


and a little bit of beauty science news and also a special rant by Valerie I can't wait to hear that one


But first little chit chat hey Valerie hey Valerie, I do have some news. I got a new cat.


Mow, how's that going?


Well, you know, the last cat I got was named Solar, and we're just doing fostering cats because my wife's allergic.


But we had that cat for just a week. It was so friendly. He loved my wife. He hung around her all the time time he barely like me even though I was the only one cleaning up and you're the one who rescued him


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