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ACFM Microdose: Reactionary Democracy w/ Aaron Winter & Aurelien Mondon

Novara Media

Novara Media

Politics, Philosophy, News, Society & Culture

4.81.3K Ratings

🗓️ 5 May 2024

⏱️ 67 minutes

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How do mainstream politicians and pundits contribute to the normalisation of far-right ideas, even as they claim to reject racism and populism? That’s one of many vital questions asked by Aaron Winter and Aurelien Mondon in their book, Reactionary Democracy. Following ACFM’s recent Trip about Fascism, Keir and Jem speak to Aaron and Aurelien about […]

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This is acid bad. Hello and welcome to ACFM the home of the weird left. This is a special micro dose


episode to accompany our episode on fascism that will have gone out in the feed sometime before this one does. I'm


Jeremy Gilbert I'm joined as is so often the case by my friend Kere Milburn.


Hello and we are also joined by two special guests who are going to be talking about their research


and their work.


I'm going to ask them to introduce themselves so that you can get used to the sound of their voices. So maybe Arlian


first? Hi, I'm Arlian London. I'm a senior lecturer at the University of Bath in


politics and my work is mostly on the mainstreaming of far-right politics and populist hype.


Darren. Thank you. I'm Aaron Winter. I'm a senior lecturer in sociology at Lancaster University and my work is on racism and the mainstreaming of the far right.


Fantastic. We'll get into some questions. I think we really want to go through your book, Reactionary Democracy, how racism and the


populace far right became mainstream. I think we'll sort of go through perhaps almost


chapter by chapter because we want to get your analysis over. But before we do that, I'll just do the parish notices that we always do on this show.


We have a newsletter you can subscribe to if you want to get even weirder and left.


Yeah, that goes out with every new trip, so once a month, gets bonus content, etc.


A little update from the ACFM crew.


Alternatively, if you want less of the chat and more of the music that we normally play, although we don't play music on


micro-dosis. You can go to the ever-expanding ACFM playlist on Spotify. And we're also


trying to game the algorithms to fight back against algorithmic capitalism by fully engaging


with it.


I'm not sure how that works.


Making ourselves subservient to its logic.


Yes. We bow down before our algorithmic overlords. So please leave


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