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ACFM Trip 44: Humility

Novara Media

Novara Media

Politics, Philosophy, News, Society & Culture

4.81.3K Ratings

🗓️ 4 August 2024

⏱️ 77 minutes

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What happens when you lose? In this Trip, the ACFM crew explore the role of humility – and humiliation – in politics. Should we cultivate humility to cope with political weakness? Is fear of humiliation a product of patriarchy? Can humility help us be better political thinkers and organisers? And who’s the humblest ACFM host of them […]

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This is an action club. Welcome to ACFM, the home of the weird left. I'm Nadia Eidel and I'm joined as


usual by my friends Jeremy Gilbert. Hello and Kie Milburn. Hello.


And today we are talking about humility.


So guys, why are we talking about humility today?


At the moment we're in the middle of a general election this is late June


2024 and the experience of a lot of people on the left, a lot of people where we are politically of this election, is one of feeling pretty sidelined by the whole process, not feeling that central to what's going on seemed like an opportune way of feeling for


us to pick up this topic which we've been thinking about doing a show about for some time.


You know, I think we'll need to think about left regroupment and so this idea of political humility,


the idea that perhaps we should be have some sort of humility or about the sort of


projects we're involved in and not try to make them the only project and have some sort of


humility in regard to other people who've got slightly different strategies but perhaps


compatible strategies. I think that's going to be a very useful thing to get in our head as we try to come to terms with the new shape of politics and try to regroup the


left to accord with that new shape. Yes I'm interested in all of that I'm also


interested in what a political humility looks like in left


interactions in left-wing spaces. Not just I think from a position of kind of strategy and like you guys said needing to


appreciate that there are different ways of doing things but also you know that there are


different subjectivities and life experiences and kind of importance of, on one hand, trying to like hold a line or a general overview


of kind of what you're trying to achieve or the world that you kind of vision, but also understanding that there's a multiplicity of subjective experiences and stories that are important to kind of listen to in an organizing space.


But before we get into all of that, we should mention that. You can go


even weirder and leftier by subscribing to our newsletter, which we are now sending out with every


new trip, so not more than once a month.


It's got bonus content in it and updates from the ACFM crew.


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