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Andrew Huberman, This is Your Brain on Sleep, Supplements, Sunlight, and Stimulation (#46)

The Kevin Rose Show

Kevin Rose

Science, Entrepreneurship, Longevity, Technology, Cryptocurrency, Kevin Rose, Health, Meditation, Business, Health & Fitness, Mindfulness, Society & Culture

4.92.1K Ratings

🗓️ 14 February 2021

⏱️ 77 minutes

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SHOW NOTES Two big reasons for having today's guest on the show, and how I've been using Sanbo Zen meditation to stay mentally engaged and emotionally grounded during the pandemic. [00:00] Who is Andrew Huberman? [03:35] What's new and exciting in the world of neuroscience: how did we get here, who's getting involved, and where are we going? [05:26] What practical applications of neuroscientific discoveries does Andrew see becoming available in the not-too-distant future? [13:37] What is the vagus nerve, and how can it be manipulated to promote physical and mental well-being? [16:25] The therapeutic potential of neuromodulation and how it compares to traditional treatments. [24:46] Does treating neurological disorders (such as depression) with these new technologies last over the long haul, and is there concern they're just relieving symptoms without addressing their root causes? [27:06] Until this technology becomes available to consumers, what does Andrew suggest for people looking to improve their mood, hone their focus, and feel more productive? [31:53] Why exposing yourself to bright, natural light early in the day is essential for establishing optimal sleep patterns, how much is ideal, and why getting outside for your daily dose is key. [34:36] Why Andrew doesn't endorse blue-light blocking glasses to alleviate the effects of late-night exposure, and what he recommends instead. [38:46] Breathing exercises for stress reduction: physiological sighs contrasted with the Wim Hof method. [42:07] A practice Andrew considers to be "the one that has had the greatest effect on everything from ability to buffer stress [to] learning and memory": yoga nidra, or NSDR (non-sleep deep rest). [49:04] Nostril breathing versus mouth breathing. [52:32] How it's currently believed the glymphatic system works to remove neurotoxic waste from our brains as we sleep, protecting us against degenerative conditions like Alzheimer's disease. [57:29] Why Andrew does not recommend melatonin supplements for sleep -- and what he uses instead. [1:01:29] Supplements that may increase testosterone. [1:06:31] The pros and possible cons of creatine. [1:08:04] Why men shouldn't treat estrogen like an enemy, and what we should know about turmeric's effect on DHT. [1:08:44] Why there's no catch-all supplement to increase "cognitive" function, and one of the surprising compounds some of Andrew's Nobel-winning colleagues take for focus that he doesn't personally recommend. [1:10:15] Some cognitive-boosting supplements Andrew does recommend (and a few more he definitely does not). [1:11:54] Parting thoughts. [1:13:31] PEOPLE MENTIONED Henry Shukman Matthew MacDougall Karl Deisseroth Robert G. Heath David Spiegel Samer Hattar David Berson Jamie Zeitzer Wim Hof Brian Mackenzie James Nestor Sandra Kahn Paul R. Ehrlich Robert Sapolsky Jared Diamond

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Hey everybody Kevin Rose here.


Welcome back to another episode of the Kevin Rose Show.


Really excited to have Dr. Huberman on today's show because the brain is important and you all know that but


for me it's been a few things that have hit home. that I just know that as I'm going to go in my 40s I want to keep my mind as I'm going


into my 40s I want to keep my mind as sharp as possible and my mom sadly has some dementia. It's not horrible. She still knows who I am but she has a


hard time remembering names and it's sad to watch if anyone has I'm sure there are


people that are listening to this that have gone through this or going through it now


It's crushing it's crushing as a as a child to watch your parent start to forget certain things and have the same conversations.


So it's really tough.


But I love my mom.


Glad that she's still here and with us


and we're working through that.


But for me, I realize the brain is a very important thing to address early


on and get in front of any potential problems so that long term as we extend life and prevent


things like cancer and cardiovascular disease and other things, we keep


hold of our brain and we're sharp going into our 80s and 90s and beyond because it doesn't matter


how good your muscles look and how flexible you are if your brain is not there with you.


So anyway, that's a big focus of mine.


And also, I would say on the emotional side as well,


like I think that I want to really go deep on meditation.


I have been going deep and I've turned it into a real practice because for me it's the best


thing that's coming out of COVID. COVID really put me in a situation where I realized that I just needed something really healthy


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