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Being Bold - Asking Her Out

Ask Women Podcast: What Women Want

Marni Kinrys & Kristen Carney

Sexuality, Health & Fitness

4.41.2K Ratings

🗓️ 30 August 2024

⏱️ 59 minutes

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Adam Gilad, author of "The Bold Life Tribe – a mastermind for bold living, graces us with his presence in this week's throwback episode. He's here to talk to us about how to be the confident guy who makes bold choices and asks women out. He's here schooling us on HOW to get her to say yes and WHEN to get her to say yes.

**** We have finished our summer hiatus and will be back with fresh shows starting September *****

>>To become MAGNETIC, charming, witty and a master at banter and dating, book a FREE call with Kristen Here: https://calendly.com/kristenandchill/magnetic-man-coaching

>>Get A FREE Dating Playbook Session with Marni’s Wing Girl Team. Apply Here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://winggirlmethod.com/letmehelp⁠⁠⁠⁠

* This episode is brought to you by Factor. Get 50% off fresh, never frozen meals. Go to www.FactorMeals.com/AskWomen50 *

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I know you guys are very excited to hear that I had a little revamp done to my website.


I'm no longer Kristen and chill.com.


Oh no, I'm Kristen and chill dating.com. You guys should go check out my new page, fill out an application. and


and until dating.


you guys should go check out my new page, fill out an application if you want to work with me.


Taking clients for the long term,


we're going down the long haul to get you all hauled over in tip top charismatic shape,


manly, masculine, confident, funny, all of the above,


and more.


So if you want to work with me and become magnetic,


go to Kristen and chill dating.com.


Not getting any but want a hell of a lot more than I can help.


I have a team of wing girls. This is Marnie by the way, who want to help you put an end to all of your frustrations,


confusions, and struggles with women. If you want power, control, and confidence over your dating life, then all you have to do is go to


winggirl method.com, that's two geez, wing girl method.com slash let me help. Together, we'll come up with a tailor-made plan of attack to


ensure you have the tools you need to be a master with women and finally start


getting some whether it's for fun exploration, my wing girls will make


certain you get what you want. All you got to do is go to wing girl method


com slash let me help.


Okay. Okay.


That's really good.


Hey you guys.


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