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Fixing Your Dating Profile!

Ask Women Podcast: What Women Want

Marni Kinrys & Kristen Carney

Sexuality, Health & Fitness

4.41.2K Ratings

🗓️ 15 August 2024

⏱️ 60 minutes

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One of our very own listeners, Omar, is struggling with his online dating profile, as so many people do. He's a foot surgeon and has so much going for himself but isn't expressing it in a way that draws the women in. So, in this week's throwback episode, we do one of our favorite old segments "Help a Brother Out" and walk him through improving not only his profile but the way he views himself.

*This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/ASKWOMEN and get on your way to being your best self!*

>>To become charming, witty and a master at dating, book a FREE call with Kristen Here: https://calendly.com/kristenandchill/discoverycall

>>Get A FREE Dating Playbook Session with Marni’s Wing Girl Team. Apply Here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://winggirlmethod.com/letmehelp⁠⁠⁠⁠

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Not getting any but want a hell of a lot more than I can help. I have a team of


Wing Girls, this is Marnie by the way, who want to help you put an end to all of


your frustrations, confusions, and struggles with women.


If you want power, control, and confidence


over your dating life, then all you have to do


is go to winggirl Method.com, that's 2G's,


wing girl method. com slash let me help together will come up with a


tailor made plan of attack to ensure you have the tools you need to be a master with


women and finally start getting some.


Whether it's for fun, love exploration, my wing girls will make certain you get what


you want.


All you got to do is go to wing girl method.com slash let me help


Coming up on this week's episode of the ask-women podcast. We are helping a brother out.


We are helping Omar who you have not been introduced to before. He is a foot


surgeon who is having a lot of trouble with his online profile. So stay tuned. Hey guys, guys. Hey guys, welcome to the S-1 podcast, we get real advisory from the source.


I'm Kristen Carney, a comedian and your host here with MartyKinderis, owner of the Wing Girl


Method.com, not dot-gov. Not E-DU. Although I do own many of those as well.


So today we're going to listen to Omar's episode, right?


Yeah, for help a brother out.


Just letting people know, there are a lot of disappearing acts for help brother out.


Roberto, I don't know where you are.


I hope you're okay.


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Generated transcripts are the property of Marni Kinrys & Kristen Carney and are distributed freely under the Fair Use doctrine. Transcripts generated by Tapesearch are not guaranteed to be accurate.

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