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Chris Hutchins, Hacking Money, Travel, and Points (#12)

The Kevin Rose Show

Kevin Rose

Science, Entrepreneurship, Longevity, Technology, Cryptocurrency, Kevin Rose, Health, Meditation, Business, Health & Fitness, Mindfulness, Society & Culture

4.92.1K Ratings

🗓️ 30 November 2017

⏱️ 69 minutes

🧾️ Download transcript


Chris Hutchins (ex-Google) is the go-to personal finance hacker for many executives in Silicon Valley. In this episode, Chris teaches us how to select the best credit card for points, earning extra income with your house, how and when to retire (the 4% rule), budgeting tools, and his new startup, Grove. Full show notes at podcast.kevinrose.com/17

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Hey everybody Kevin Rose here have a new website.


Kevin Rose.com is the place to go.


There is a tab at the top there called Podcast.


If you click on that you'll get access to all of my previous shows which I guess you already get through


your podcast player but I have all the show notes so I'm starting to link up every single show


with show notes with actionable clicks.


So if I talk about any products or any services or just anything that's clickable,


I link it up right there.


So head on over to Kevinrose.com.


And you can also sign up for my newsletter there. So I put out a once a month newsletter.


There's also a tab for the newsletter. Click on that and you will have access to my newsletter that is filled


with my favorite articles every month, videos, just things that I'm


finding that are odd from around the web that I want to share with you. And last plug is my new


app. I have a new app out there called Oak. It is a free meditation app, 100% free, no monthly


subscription and no banner ads. So you can download Oak initially for iOS, but I hope to bring it to


Android. Just go into the app store and


type in OAK it'll come up there and give it a shot let me know what you think I've


spent probably the last six or so months working on this trying to build a really


awesome resource for people that are just getting into meditation and want to


learn general mindfulness meditation. The other thing that we have inside of the


app that I use absolutely every day, even if I don't have time to do a meditation, are the breathing exercises.


At first glance you think, oh, what is a, what is a breathing exercise actually do?


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