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Context Clues: A Cartoonish Hell Awaits You

American Hysteria

W!ZARD Studios

Society & Culture

4.43.1K Ratings

🗓️ 13 March 2023

⏱️ 42 minutes

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Chick Tracts, what are they? You'll find out in our upcoming three-part series that covers a fundamentalist comic artist who was a hidden architect of the satanic panic, illuminati, and gay agenda hysterias. Jack Chick printed hundreds of millions of his bible tracts, small stapled together cartoon booklets full of blood sacrificing witches, evil secret societies, and sensationalized sin, based on the stories of "experts" like a druid high priest, a Catholic secret agent, and two women battling demons in a witch infested hospital. Chick Tracts are ridiculously brutal, deeply offensive, unintentionally hilarious morality plays meant to be left in random places by random Christians, in order to scare straight whatever lucky sinner happens to find them. Join our Patreon for ad-free early episodes and bonus content! This episode was co-produced by Riley Smith and Miranda Zickler Produced and hosted by Chelsey Weber-Smith Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Hello listeners!


It is I, your host, Chelsea Weber-Smith, and welcome to Context Clues, where we give


you relevant sections from old episodes that will hopefully make our next three-part


series a little bit richer.


Yeah, I said it.


Our very first three-part episode in American History.


And let me tell you, it's a ride that hits on so many of our most classic and beloved




You know, Satanic Colts, the Illuminati, the gay agenda, and that's just the beginning.


Now, I am asking you all for a favor here.


To listen to all three parts.


On one hand, for the good of our show, because I would love to expand what we do here and


give you more in-depth reporting on topics like this.


And on the other hand, because this is the very stuff American History is made of.


This lifeblood, its backbone, its heart, and mortal soul.


I promise to give you a hysterical experience in both meanings of the word.


If you have never heard of the little evangelical cartoon booklets called Chick Tracks, named


after their creator, Jack Chick, that doesn't mean that you don't have some memory, deep


in your consciousness of finding one of these little black and white comic pamphlets, smaller


than a dollar bill, left sitting on a park bench or at a phone booth, or even tragically


given to you or your kids in replacement of candy during a night of trick or treating.


And if you have somehow avoided these freaky fundamentalist cartoons altogether, I promise


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