Tonight’s guest wants to remain anonymous, so I’m going to call him David on tonight’s show.
If you think countries like Portugal and other countries in Southwestern Europe are Dogman free, you should listen to tonight’s show. You see, with over 30 nights spent camping out, in the wild places of Portugal, “David” used to think there were no large predators to be found in his country. Late one night, however, in the middle of nowhere, he learned otherwise. You see, late one night, when he was in college, he left a concert and got lost way out in the countryside. He thought he’d be able to navigate his way home from the concert, but he took a wrong turn and wound up walking miles out into the countryside. Finally, after walking for hours, he finally admitted to himself that he was lost. He was lost and alone. About then, he caught movement, in a nearby tree line, out of the corner of his left eye…
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I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.
My Bigfoot Sighting...
Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
My Paranormal Experience
Thanks for listening!
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