Tonight’s guest, Mike Colontonio, is an Army veteran who, unfortunately, suffered PTSD while he was deployed in Afghanistan. After coming home, he tried various things to occupy his time, in hopes that would help him deal with the trauma of his deployment. Finally, he settled on spending time in the woods. At first, nothing unordinary happened on the almost daily trips he took into the forest. Then, after some time, he had his first Sasquatch encounter. Not long after that, he had another and then another. It would be a stretch to say that he formed a bond with the Sasquatch he had multiple encounters with but, at least, one of the Sasquatch he’d seen, several times, must have felt some sort of connection to Mike. That’s because that Sasquatch saved Mike from a Rake/Crawler that, seemingly, was planning to attack Mike. If you want to hear Mike share the details of what happened, the day that Sasquatch saved him from that Rake, he’s not only the guest on tonight’s episode of Dogman Encounters. He’s also the guest on the newest episode of my paranormal podcast, called “My Paranormal Experience.” I released Mike’s episode of My Paranormal Experience at the same time I released his episode of Dogman Encounters, here, tonight.
Here’s a link to that episode of My Paranormal Experience…
After he had that terrifying Rake encounter, it took him some time to get his confidence back, but he eventually got it back. When he did, he took a trip to the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. And that’s where he had his first Dogman encounter. That’s right. I said first, because he’s had several encounters now. Some of them mortified him too!
If you know much about cryptids, you’ll know that some people seem to be magnets for them, for whatever reason. For better or worse, Mike definitely seems to fit into that category. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to him talk about his Dogman encounters.
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If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.
If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.
I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.
My Bigfoot Sighting...
Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
My Paranormal Experience
Thanks for listening!
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