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Downstream: ‘We Have to Vote Labour’ w/ Mick Lynch

Novara Media

Novara Media

Politics, Philosophy, News, Society & Culture

4.81.3K Ratings

🗓️ 25 June 2024

⏱️ 78 minutes

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Mick Lynch is the General Secretary of the RMT. He joined Ash Sarkar to discuss leveraging Keir Starmer, the importance of council housing and why it’s vital that people vote for the Labour Party.

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I'm going to keep this introduction short because you all know who my guest is. I'm joined by Mick Lynch, General Secretary of the RMT, and we start by talking about the general election. But he was kind enough to let me really take the piss with


runtime and what we really end up talking about is what it means to build class power in the UK. And no matter where you stand politically, he's got a seering


take on how politics affects working people, and that deserves your attention. I hope you enjoy the video.


Mick Lynch, thank you so much for joining us.


Hello, how you doing?


I'm very well, thank you.


Considering you just told me that I've got an inner darkness, I think I'm doing quite well.


So on to politics. me that I've got an inner darkness. I think I'm doing quite well.


So on to politics back in February you said that getting rid of the Conservatives is your number one priority,


but you're not going to give Kist Armour and Rachel Reeves a blank check.


What does that mean in practical terms now we're in a general election?


Well it means that we've got a vote labor in my opinion to get the Tories out there's only you know that's the way the


system works in this country you're not going to get a rainbow coalition or anything I've


just been in Ireland talking about elections over there and they've got you know a very complicated


transferable vote system and you end up always with a coalition we're not going to


get that and there's not going to be a left-wing uprise in all of the sudden we're not


going to get a version of a Corbyn party or anything like that coming in so we've got to


get them out I realize the purges that have been going on and stamers stance on many things including what's going on in the


Middle East and lots of other things wind up a lot of left-wing people including myself.


But sometimes you just bite the bullet and say the


Tories have got a go and they have to go because otherwise I don't know what we'll do and


it looks like they will so that means that we can be secure that Star was going to come in. I don't know how that makes everyone feel especially your your listeners and viewers, but it means for the Trade Union movement for and for activists on the left we have to keep our campaigns going so


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