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Land of Delusion with Cultural Historian Colin Dickey

American Hysteria

W!ZARD Studios

Society & Culture

4.43.1K Ratings

🗓️ 28 November 2022

⏱️ 51 minutes

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Colin Dickey is one of American Hysteria's biggest influences—our episodes called Talking to the Dead and Alien Abductions relied on his books Ghostland: An American History in Haunted Places and The Unidentified: Mythical Monsters, Alien Encounters, and Our Obsession with the Unexplained. His newest piece is called Land of Delusion and it explores two new bizarre conspiracy theories that center around secret societies and buried histories. We’ll talk about the conspiratorial tales we keep telling and how we address this increasingly disturbing Land of Delusion. Try Scribd now to get Colin Dickey's Land of Delusion Find more of Colin's work here Join our Patreon! Produced by Miranda Zickler Sound design by Clear Commo Studios Hosted by Chelsey Weber-Smith Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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When you are experiencing chaos, you start to look for patterns that help you make sense


of the world and conspiracy theories of things where there is no actual pattern that you're


sort of finding in them anyways.


Author Colin Dickie is one of American hysteria's most important influences, set on examining


the hidden histories of American culture, just like us.


His incredible books Ghost Land, an American history-enhaunted places, and the unidentified


mythical monsters, alien encounters, an hour of session with the unexplained were invaluable


to us while making our episodes called Talking to the Dead and Alien Abduction.


His newest piece, available on-scribbed, is called Land of Delusion, and it explores


two bizarre new conspiracy theories that are gaining traction in the US and beyond.


The kind that always seem to rise out of the shadowy and timeless specter of secret societies.


We'll talk together about how we arrived at the conspiratorial tales we tell, and how


we might address this increasingly disturbing land of delusion.


I'm your host, Chelsea Weber-Smith, and this is American hysteria.


I would love to welcome Colin Dickie to our show Someone Who Has Been An Inspiration


to Us Since the Very Beginning.


Colin, welcome to the show.


Thanks for having me on.


We're so excited.


Thank you so much for being here.


You're someone who has studied a lot of the paranormal and the way that people react to


it as well as conspiracy theories, and I think those two things are very much married


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