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Michael Pollan - How to change your mind

The Kevin Rose Show

Kevin Rose

Science, Entrepreneurship, Longevity, Technology, Cryptocurrency, Kevin Rose, Health, Meditation, Business, Health & Fitness, Mindfulness, Society & Culture

4.92.1K Ratings

🗓️ 28 August 2018

⏱️ 58 minutes

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Kevin talks to Michael Pollan, author of "How to change your mind" about the therapeutic potential of psychedelics.

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Hey everybody Kevin Rose here. I'm going to start this episode off with just a little story.


Before we get to the guest, Michael Pollan, we're going to be talking about psychedelics today.


And I want to tell you a little bit about my background with these crazy substances a couple years ago.


Probably, I mean, honestly, thanks to Tim Ferris and some other friends that were really sharing with me that there's this idea of using


psychedelics and these compounds for a very therapeutic use.


I'm talking about working with either a psychologist or a psychiatrist and or a properly


trained guide taking these substances under their control and laying down and turning inward on yourself and really going


into your own mind and trying to break down and dissolve some of the issues that you may


be dealing with.


The FDA has just approved syllosibin for a trial


with depression as well.


So whether it's PTSD or depression or end of life,


like there's a lot of different potential


application for these substances. Really exciting stuff. I heard about this a


couple years ago. I was personally curious and I'll tell you and share this with you I was


curious because I had lost my father


I think it's been seven years ago as a couple weeks ago


a couple weeks ago and when he passed away there was a lot of conversations that I had not had with him that I would like to have today and it was largely around a lot of anger that he carried with him, how he was very verbally


abusive to my mother as I was a child.


And it was a very tough thing for me to come to terms with because I had a father that was an


amazing dad. He was very active with me, taking me out camping, we would go to


scouts, he you me along the whole path of becoming


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