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Terminal Lucidity (Sudden Awakenings, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Near-Death)

Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World

Jimmy Akin

Science, Society & Culture, Documentary, Christianity, Religion & Spirituality

4.82.7K Ratings

🗓️ 17 May 2024

⏱️ 115 minutes

🧾️ Download transcript


Sometimes, near death, a person with dementia will suddenly regain clarity and lucidity and give loved ones a chance to say goodbye. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the phenomenon called terminal lucidity, what could cause it, and whether it tells us anything new about the brain, soul, and consciousness.

The post Terminal Lucidity (Sudden Awakenings, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Near-Death) appeared first on StarQuest Media.

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Jimmy Aiken's Mysterious World is brought to you by the Star Quest Production Network and is made possible by our many generous patrons.


If you'd like to support the podcast, please visit sQP.com slash Give. You're listening to episode 312 of Jimmy Yakin's mysterious world


where we look at mysteries from the twin perspectives of faith and


reason. In this episode we're talking about terminal lucidity.


I'm Don Bettinelli and joining me today is Jimmy Aiken. Hey Jimmy.


Pardon. If you live long enough, you will lose loved ones.


Sometimes people lose a loved one suddenly through an unexpected death,


and they have no chance to say goodbye.


Other times they lose a loved one after a long


slow decline, perhaps even a slide into dementia where the loved one's mind


gradually erodes. This also makes it hard to say goodbye.


It's hard to say goodbye early because the person will still be with you for a long time,


but if you say goodbye late, the loved one may not understand it,


or be able to say goodbye to you either. As a result, many people


feel like they never really got to say farewell to some of the people they love most. But wouldn't


it be great if just one last time the loved one came back to themselves before they die?


They had full command of their faculties and you finally had the chance to tell them how much you love them and say farewell?


Well that's what we'll be talking about on this episode of Jimmy


Yakin's mysterious world. Now we often begin by noting whether one of us has a


personal connection with the mystery we're going to be discussing,


and today's mystery involves the tragic phenomenon of dementia.


I should mention here that my mother died a little over a year ago, and she suffered with dementia in her last years.


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