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Tim Ferriss - Tribe of Mentors: short life advice from the best in the world

The Kevin Rose Show

Kevin Rose

Science, Entrepreneurship, Longevity, Technology, Cryptocurrency, Kevin Rose, Health, Meditation, Business, Health & Fitness, Mindfulness, Society & Culture

4.92.1K Ratings

🗓️ 31 October 2017

⏱️ 65 minutes

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Tim is back with his new book: Tribe of Mentors. We talk about common traits his mentors share, the single question Tim ask himself every day, and of course, what supplements and body hacks Tim is into at the moment.

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Hey everybody Kevin Rose here. I'm having some really good tea right now. I'm having some


really good tea right now. I'm having some really good to you right now. I'm having some turmeric and blueberry powder and


also some macadamia nut milk and some 100% dark chocolate.


So I take a little piece of dark chocolate,


drop it into the macadamia that milk,


which is unsweetened.


The dark chocolate is 100%, so it's also very bitter and unsweetened and then mix in some fermented turmeric powder from new chapter and then also a teaspoon of organic blueberry powder.


And so as you can imagine the chocolate and the blue. of organic blueberry powder.


And so this is you can imagine the chocolate and the blueberry and the turmeric.


This is like a great little afternoon pick me up slash brain boost.


You get a little bit of caffeine too and the 100% chocolate.


I didn't know why I'm telling you that, but it's a tasty drink.


Today's show is awesome.


My old friend Tim Ferris, it's been a while since we've done a podcast together,


so it's good to reconnect with him and talk about his new book. It's called


Tribe of Mentors. Really fun read. I was lucky enough to get an early copy and


it's one of those Choose Your Own Adventure books that you can just jump around and learn a lot.


We'll talk about that book, some of his favorite tidbits out of that book.


Also, a little bit later in the episode if you stick around we start talking about


Tim Supplements and how that's changed over time what he takes today he's doing some


crazy stuff where he's he's shooting himself up with not shooting himself up. He's doing like an IV


drip of the stuff called NAD, which I've also been playing around with for a couple months. I have done the oral version of that. I haven't done the full IV, which is a little hardcore. But we'll talk about that and then also you know one of the things I


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