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EMBody Radio

Perfectionism and How It Stands in the Way of Your Fitness and Health Progress | with host Emily Duncan

EMBody Radio

Emily Duncan

Embodyradio, Health & Fitness, Self-improvement, Nutrition, Health, Bikinicompetitions, Education, Wonderwomanmentality, Npcbikini, Fitness

4.91K Ratings

🗓️ 11 April 2024

⏱️ 43 minutes

🧾️ Download transcript


There's a good chance if you listen to this show, you struggle with some degree of perfectionism or perfectionistic thinking. You're really type A; if things aren't done perfectly, they feel like they don't matter; you hyperfocus on/obsess over things like your weight and your fat loss progress, you use phrases like "getting back on track" and "I fell off the wagon;" you’ve spent some amount of time being really strict with your health and fitness, whether that’s through macros, “clean” eating, rigid diets like carnivore or keto or doing things like 75 hard… and after a period of time, that completely blows up in your face, you get burnt out, and you quit doing anything; and lots more. This episode is for you if you want to get better at identifying those traits, understand how they can be problematic, and develop solid strategies on how to shift towards more productive mindsets and habits.

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This is the Premier Podcast for high-performing humans looking to elevate themselves through real, raw, honest conversations.


We're the hub for inspiring and expansive talks about nutrition, wellness, spirituality, business, relationships, and personal development.


This show will leave you feeling empowered in your ability to not just understand, but truly embody what your happiest, healthiest, highest self looks, feels, and acts like.


When we grow together, we glow together. This is Embody Radio.


What is going on everyone?


Welcome back to Embody Radio, the Premier Podcast for High Performing Humans


looking to truly embody their happiest, healthiest,


tie-as-sales. I'm your host Emily Duncan and welcome back to


another solo episode today. So we are going to dive right in. Today's solo


episode is about a topic that is very near and dear to


my heart personally and then to the client population that I work with at Phoenix


as a fitness coach and honestly with people that I work with as mentorship clients as well so I tend to draw in this type of individual probably because I have dealt with this a lot myself so today's topic is perfectionism and we are going to talk


about perfectionism specifically within the lens of how it's holding you back from your


fitness goals. So quick disclaimer I am not a psychologist I am not a therapist I am none of those things.


This is all coming from kind of experiential information data whatever you want to call it as a coach for the last eight years,


after coaching thousands of women for the last eight years, seeing how this shows up


in people's fitness journeys and then also how it's shown up in mine.


And so just kind of grain of salt disclaimer here.


If you are someone that studies this as psychologist and you want to come on the


show, you are more than welcome to reach out or provide any feedback that you have on this


episode but again not a psychologist not a therapist this is all kind of


experiential anecdotal data if you will so we're gonna dive on in.


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